


From Issue: 582 [Read full issue]

Others' Rights

Any act by which someone is hurt, or his person, possession or dignity are subjected to any loss is absolutely forbidden; it is forbidden in the same way as is pork, alcohol or usury.

Indeed, while some leniency may be shown when unlawful food is consumed in extreme cases of emergency, no such mitigation on account of extraordinary situations is possible in case of violating such prohibitions as not to usurp others' property, nor backbite nor defame nor slander. The punishment for these is only hellfire. Even worse would be the fact that Allah would not talk to such offenders, nor cleanse them of their sins. (Al-Imran 3: 77)

There is no pardon from Allah in cases where personal rights have been violated: forgiveness may only come from the person aggrieved - either directly or when Allah makes it possible for that person to grant such pardon. Just save yourself from such acts. And if you were to violate others' rights, obtain their forgiveness here in this world or else you'll be left absolutely destitute and bankrupt on the Day of Judgment.

Compiled From:
"Dying and Living for Allah" - Khurram Murad, pp. 48,49