
Today's Reminder

April 27, 2024 | Shawwal 18, 1445

Living The Quran

Finest Abode
Al-Furqan (The Criterion) - Chapter 25: Verses 75, 76

"These will be rewarded for all their patient endurance [in life” with a high station in heaven, and will be met there with a greeting of welcome and peace, and there they shall abide; how goodly an abode and how high a station."

The Arabic text uses the term al-ghurfah, which is translated here as ‘a high station in heaven’. The term may be taken to mean in this context either heaven, or a special place in heaven. Linguistically speaking it means, ‘the room’, which is a more honourable place than the reception room where Arabs normally received their guests. True servants are received in this high position with a warm welcome, on account of their patient endurance of whatever they had to put up with in order to maintain their sound qualities. What is implied here is recognition of the strong will- power needed to restrain desire and resist temptation. This is not easy to do without a good degree of endurance that can only be shown by someone who is deservedly mentioned by God in His book, the Quran. In contrast to hell from which they pray to God to save them, God rewards them with heaven. There they are in the best state, enjoying God’s favours and blessings.

Compiled From:
"In the Shade of the Quran" - Sayyid Qutb, Vol. 12, pp. 446, 447

From Issue: 826 [Read original issue]

Understanding The Prophet's Life

Conscious Effort

Ramadan comes every year. One comes after another, and has been coming for centuries. Quran is the most recited book, its one reading is followed by another and this is an unending endeavour. Every Ramadan, Quran is recited, fasting is observed, prayers are offered and nights are spent in supplications. Yet, we remain where we were before Ramadan. We remain devoid of piety (taqwa) just as we were without Ramadan. Neither our personal matters change, nor do our individual manners improve; neither do our national circumstances and conditions change, nor the clouds of slavery and bondage, insult and subjugation hovering over us move away. Why is it so?

First of all, this is because we cannot achieve without deliberate and conscious effort that great amount of good of Ramadan with which it comes every year. We are either devoid of this conscious effort or simply oblivious of its need and importance.

More than this, our condition is more like the condition of the person about whom the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "when a person does not stop telling lies and following falsehood, Allah is in no way obliged to accept his hunger and thirst." [Bukhari] We declare Allah our Lord, accept Muhammad as our Prophet, believe in Quran as the book of Allah, yet we do not try to understand what they all say to us, nor do we obey what they say. If this is not falsehood and acting upon it, then what is?

Compiled From:
"Making the Most of Ramadhan" - Khurram Murad, p. 28

From Issue: 1002 [Read original issue]

Cool Tips!

Domino Effect

Don't be like a line of falling dominos, where one mistake leads to another and another and another. Sometimes when we slip up we think: "Well, I've already blown it. Who cares what happens now?" Just remember, one mistake isn't as bad as two or three mistakes. If you've done something you regret, stop the dominos from falling by taking control and not making another mistake.

Remember, today is not forever. The desperate situation you may be in now will get better if you go to work on it. Things change, people forgive, hearts can be made whole, and life can be good again.

Compiled From:
"The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make" - Sean Covey, p. 219

From Issue: 807 [Read original issue]