
Living The Quran


From Issue: 495 [Read full issue]

Al-Shura (The Consultation)
Chapter 42: Verse 36

Everlasting Success
"What you are given (here) is a provision for the life of this world and what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe, and who put their trust in their Lord."

Opportunities are numerous and varied, but our course in life will depend on how we utilize such opportunities. The attractions of life are numerous and they come in many forms and varieties. They are made available by Allah to see how well we choose and manage our affairs in His cause, and how we apply His guidance.

Man is full of ambitions, desires, needs, and demands. A person may go after social enhancement, power, money, fame or self-service and attain well. But whatever the outcome of his toil, man's success has no permanent value except for what is done for the cause of Allah.

Allah provided numerous attractions for all of us, to be utilized and enjoyed. But this is truly a small measure if we are to compare it to what lies ahead in the heavenly bliss of paradise.

Since our life is limited, what we utilize and enjoy is for a limited time. And if all that we see on earth is only a small measure compared to what is in Paradise, try to imagine how enormous the available attractions are in Heaven!

But the marvellous Paradise is for those who qualify. It is for those who earn it. They are the believers, since through the belief in Allah they will be on the right path. It is a faith directed to noble goal - Allah, and Allah's service, with no strings attached. Such a believer puts his trust in Allah and totally relies upon Him. Such a staunch believer deserves the bounty in Paradise.

"Quranic Selections Explained" - A.S. Hashim, Vol 4, pp. 69-70