
Healthy Social Life, Excellence in Performance, Derision

Issue 583 » May 28, 2010 - Jumada al-Thani 14, 1431

Living The Quran

Pillars of Healthy Social Life
Al-Nisa (The Women) Sura 4: Verse 114 (partial)

"There is no good in most of their secret talks, except in him who commands charity, enjoins good and brings about conciliation among mankind."

These are the three pillars to a healthy social life - charity, goodness and peace.

Unless people demonstrate sympathy for others in the form of giving charity and sacrificing their selfish interests, they cannot have good social relations. Without charity, mutual love is all dried up. Charity does not always mean giving money. Talking gently to someone and sharing their joys and sorrows also constitute charity. Cleaning the road of obstacles represents its spirit as well. The Quran employs a comprehensive term, charity, of which there are numerous forms. What is important is a feeling of sympathy, goodwill, sincerity and helpfulness. Without such noble feelings, no healthy social life is possible.

Another equally significant Quranic concept is that of enjoining good. This stands for promoting something which is instinctively acceptable for all decent human beings.

The other Quranic directive is of bringing about reconciliation among people. Cordial social relations are the key to happiness.

Today these values are neglected. Divisive forces are dominant everywhere.

Compiled From:
"Guidance from the Holy Quran" - Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, pp. 110, 111

Understanding The Prophet's Life

Excellence in Performance

A Muslim's earthly pursuits are counted as acts of worship and jihad, so long as such is his intention and he carries out the pursuit excellently and faithfully, with full remembrance of Allah.

Excellence is performance is a religious duty upon the Muslim, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Verily Allah has enjoined excellent performance upon everything." [Muslim]

In another hadith reported by Al-Baihaqi, Abu Ya'ala and Ibn Asakir form Aisha, the Prophet said: "Verily Allah loves if one of you performs a deed that he should perfect it."

Compiled From:
"Time In The Life of a Muslim" - Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, p. 44



Derision, ridiculing people, making jest at their expense, mocking them is a form of ignorance, whether it is lampooning, caricaturing, or name calling. Humour and levity are important in human life. But levity as a way of life harms the spiritual heart. And laughter and amusement at the expense of the dignity of others is wholly inappropriate.

Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "Do not belittle anyone, for he may be a saint of God." Imam al-Qurtubi once said, "When he was bowing down to idols in Makkah, Umar ibn al-Khattab was still beloved to God." Only God knows the seal of people and their destinies. A Moroccan proverb says, "Never mock any creature of God, for it might be beloved to He who created it."

Compiled From:
"Purification of The Heart" - Hamza Yusuf, pp. 141,142